Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Psychotic request

can someone kill me now for being incredibly lazy to post my photographs online? My cambodia photos, my fireworks photos, my raya photos (oh yeah, cant do anything about my raya photos, someone DELETED them, permanently), dan lain lain photos.
kill me.

while you're thinking of killing me, kill him too for deleting my raya photos. You might as well kill two bad birdies with a batu.


Anonymous said...

Macam mana boleh terpadam??!

Is the problem that needs to be fixed with a piano wire?

Unknown said...

wow.. piano wire.. ala2 Hitman..

anyway D, i can do it for you (i got some of your photos from cambodia)

but for a charge..


Mummylicious said...

its THE problem to be fixed with a piano wire.

its the problem of another photographer's habit to delete all photos in memory card but then forgot its NOT his camera nor his memory card and worse, not checking with owner beforehand.