Thursday, November 15, 2007

The big fight

"Awat hang ni bodoh sangat?!!"
"Oi! orang tak duduk kat amsterdam!"
"Ha!...HAAAA!!! Daaahh dia dah tukaq bahasa Arab dah!!!! OI ORANG TAK CAKAP BAHASA ARAB!"
"Ya Allah Ya Rabi Ya Maulana!"
"Hang ni dah kena masuk setan ka??!"
"Gila! Gila!"

I swear, those were among the words* my mom, my MOM was uttering, shouting and screaming at this little azan radio that was not listening to a word she was saying, nor responding to the way she intended it to.

Apparently, something was very wrong with the little azan radio. It would not be set properly. Maybe because my mom was shouting at it every 5 seconds while she twiddled with it for an hour. would have made a rather funny photo with my mom sitting on the floor poking, twisting and shouting at this small little inanimate object. but i didnt want to be shouted at, not when shes in that mood.

and the little azan radio will not sing its little azan songs 5 times a day.

i had nothing to do with it, even though its Subuh Azan freaks me out, ALWAYS because out of the blue, when its really really quiet in the house, you are lost in time and space, mind focused doing whatever you do when you're awake at 5-6am and then suddenly, SUDDENLY! "ALLAHHU AKHBAR ALLAHHU AKHBAR" blared out ever so loudly from its little speaker! like it was trying to be the little azan radio that could, so it tried its hardest and LOUDEST to let people in the house know its prayer time. Those were the times when words not supposed to be uttered during azan were uttered, accidentally, of course. Astaghfirrullahhaazim.

Subuh Azan should never ever gives someone a near heart attack! hence, i was a bit apprehensive that my mom wanted to use the little azan radio again. Don't they have an azan radio that starts with "Assalammualaikum. Bismillahhirrohmanirrohim. Sekarang tibanya azan menandakan waktu solat Subuh/Zuhur/Asar/Maghrib/Isyak" macam rtm nyer lah. At LEAST i stop getting near heart attacks every morning when im awake and alone in the house when its all quiet. So for now, my mom's one-way words-poke-poke fight has ended. And i can blog without the anxiety attacks.

*(more or less, had to paraphrase the longer sentences coz i was busy laughing to remember the exact words. but she really did shouted out the Bahlol and Toyol)

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