Friday, October 5, 2007

HTML for dummies

I think i've been spending hours upon hours trying to figure out which font is the best and what colours i want my blog to be.

it was pink...i went for pink...can you believe i went for pink?!

i couldn't believe I WENT FOR PINK!

hence, you don't see any more pink on this screen.'re colourblind. then i cant help you.

now, i'm trying to remember my self-taught html lesson long time ago. im just showing my age and the fact my memory sucks. this is gonna take more than a couple of hours that i originally thought. i think i need to get (free!) professional help from those that actually do this day and night and day and night and danight.


This could work better if i actually told people i have a new blog and they can read my plea for help.

Redirection from old blog has yet to be completed. Another case of procrastination perhaps? perhaps.

YETTA! i managed to figure out html! im a genious! now how do i add that previous posting kethingy....hmmmm

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