Sunday, October 19, 2008

Happy 81st MakMak!

"Terima kasih la *sob* suma mai sini" *sob sob* "Makmak tak sangka *sob* anak cucu datang *sob* sambut *and it become incoherent after this with all the sobbing*" That was part of MakMak's surprise birthday speech that i manage to understand.

Happy 81st Birthday MakMak!

MakMak giving her tearful speech.
Getting jiggy with it to show off her new jubah. Who can believe she is 81 years old.

Birthday kisses and hug from a daughter

Birthday kisses from grand-daughters.

Everyone who were free yesterday trotted over to Pak Cik's house at TTDI Jaya to celebrate MakMak, my grandmama's surprise birthday bash. MakMak i believe was under the impression its a routine open house makan-makan at her youngest son, child no. 10 out of 11 home. Zul looked a bit frazed by all the loudness, but he handled it ok. Since it is really hard to get everyone together at one location at the same time, a photo session was called for! unfortunately my parents came late but too bad, we shall try to photoshop their faces somewhere. and yes K. Anne, you're missing from this one too! hehehe. do you want to be photoshop-ed as well?

MakMak surrounded by her sons, daughters, in-laws, grandchildren, a grandchild-in-law (Zul) and grand-grand-children.

Not in the photo: Mak Chak & Pak Chak (in Alor Star), My parents (came late due to a wedding they have to attend), numerous grandchildren and the-in-laws which include K. Heli, K. Anne & A. Fitri, K. Noreen, my older brother, and a number of other grand-grand-children. When will we get to have everyone in the photo, i don't know. This was hard enough.

The inproper photo with a missing Pak Teh.

Happy Birthday MakMak! Squuuueezzeeed by only 5 of her grandchildren.

What i was not expecting was, the number of camwhores we have in the family. ...and one future photographer-to-be. My nephew, K. Lily's one year old son, Sheikh Putra, the photographer wanna be.

Me: "One, two, three, CLICK!"
Sheikh: "An, Uh, Eh, Kik!" and pushes the shutter button.


Ain't he good for a one year old kid? :)

Self potrait of Sheikh Putra:

Of course la i yang pegang camera. Its a DSLR camera with battery grip and flash. I pun letih nak pegang. But...he did the clicking! :)

To family members that didn't make it. More of what you missed below;

When the clock striked midnite of 18 Oct. It was then "Happy Birthday Qistina!"

The Hall of Infamous Camwhores


Cik Puan Bidadari said...

huwaaaa...sedey you know cannot make it...kena kerjalah..will try to make it for your open house next week...

jangan terkejut me so tubby now! kena amik gambar tau! hahahahaha...

Anonymous said...

Why i looks very, very old in the group pix? Something wrong with your camera, pls check.
Actually and seriously, I am not that old, just 3.3 decades older than Zul and you but the pix showed as if i am older than mamak. I am not happy, can you do something possible that I looks as young as your hubby (he he he).

Your Uncle in the brown checked shirt.

Anonymous said...

Dayang, please ask Zul to copy pix in cd la. Also those raya pix. Nanti can pass over at ur raya open house this Saturday.

BTW, good shots. Bolehlah, kamera mahal. hehehe

Your uncle who hasnt been to the barber for years.

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha! Your uncles very funny la!

Anonymous said...

mak boyot: photos of you will DEFINITELY be taken.

uncle in checkered brown shirt: what to do, YOU ARE OLDER THAN ZUL! sigh. takpa, there's always photoshop :)

uncle with no hair to cut: zul took note. but to be safe. pls bring empty dvd-r. or more. for those that will also request after you but wont bring dvd-r. sure there are dvd-r somewhere in the house...but since we moved.....sigh dunno where.

aunty who thinks uncles are funny: full quorum? kinda impossible me thinks. there will always be someone missing with excuses like work, work and more work or just...missing. sometimes the case is as simple as the missing person was in the toilet for the longest time and noone called him. OR in this EVENT planner at my wedding that FORGOTTEN he was also a COUSIN and almost forgot to be in the family photo...and NOONE called him who was standing in front of the stage, looking at his family gathering for a photo session. only until THE BRIDE shouted, "OI YOU! FAMILY!" did he realise he So yes, the answer is not likely to happen cause someone will bound to go missing for the most unlikeliest reason.