Deepest Love, Juju | ![]() |
And then i got stuck doing free personality tests. I thought, if i do as many as i can at one time and the results are nearly the same, there might be some truth. Maybe, im not that naive and i think one of the personality test i took said i am suspicious of everything and well even if i do believe it, dont believe me coz i can biased towards myself (in a good way. hahahaha) Ah well..
Colour Quiz is interesting because its very very quick and you just pick the colours you like the most and then repeat the process after 3 minutes.
![]() | Dayang took the free ColorQuiz.com personality test! "Fascinated by the idea of an idealized association..."
Dayang's Existing Situation
Active, outgoing, and restless. Feels frustrated by the slowness with which events develop along the desired lines. This leads to irritability, changeability, and lack of persistence when pursuing a given objective.Dayang's Stress Sources
Wants freedom to follow her own convictions and principles, to achieve respect as an individual in her own right. Desires to avail herself of every possible opportunity without having to submit to limitations or restrictions.Dayang's Restrained Characteristics
Believes that she is not receiving her share--that she is neither properly understood nor adequately appreciated. Feels that she is being compelled to conform, and close relationships leave her without any sense of emotional involvement.Dayang's Desired Objective
Fascinated by the idea of an idealized association of tenderness and mutual enchantment. Embarrassed by the thought of allowing this to appear openly, and so employs cautious exploratory tactics in the pursuit of this objective, making sure that she is neither irrevocably committed nor found out.Dayang's Actual Problem
Fears that her independence will be threatened or severely restricted unless she protects herself from outside influence. Does not want to be bothered.Dayang's Actual Problem #2
The unsatisfied desire to be respected, to stand out from amongst her friends, is causing some anxiety. As a result, normal gregariousness is suppressed and she refuses to allow herself to become involved, or to participate with others in their ordinary activities.
Personal DNA is fun! takes longer time to do. Perhaps the most interesting and maybe more accurate coz they ask a lot of question but because there is a lot of sliding actions (try it!), its fun and i didnt get bored answering. and....i can put my results on facebook! hahahaha OH YEAH BABEH! lets do this. and theres a psych you, psych me! thingamajing where you can ask you friends to assess your personality and then you can compare how you view yourself and how others view you ...kinda...thingy...
My personalDNA Report
about you
You are an Artist
Your appreciation of beauty, ability to think abstractly, and innovativeness make you an ARTIST.
Never one to be tied to a particular way of doing things, you let your imagination guide you in discovering different possibilities.
You would rather seek out new experiences than stick to your everyday habits, taking in as much of the world as possible.
Your eye for beauty and your willingness to consider different perspectives make your creative efforts interesting—even though you may not realize this yourself.
You prefer to think about things before voicing your opinion, considering a wide, diverse range of options.
While there are forms and styles that you prefer, you tend to keep an open mind when it comes to your artistic preferences.
You are curious about things, interested in the "why" more than the “how.”
You have an active imagination that leads you express yourself in a distinct way.
If you want to be different:
Be more open to risks in your creative efforts, and don't be quick to dismiss the praise of others.
Think about how attention to detail may help you be more sure of yourself.
how you relate to others
You are Considerate
You trust others, care about them, and are slow to judge them, making you CONSIDERATE.
You value your close relationships very much, and are more likely to spend time in small, tightly-knit groups of friends than in large crowds.
You enjoy exploring the world through observation, quietly watching others.
Relating to others so well, and understanding their emotions, leads you to trust people in general, even though you're somewhat shy and reserved at times.
Your belief that people are generally well-intentioned contributes to your sympathy regarding their problems.
Although you may not vocalize it often, you have an awareness of how society affects individuals, and you understand complex causes of people's behavior.
You like to look at all sides of a situation before making a judgment, particularly when that situation involves important things in other people's lives.
Your close friends know you as a good listener.
If you want to be different:
Because other people would benefit immensely from your understanding and insight, you should try to be more outgoing in social situations, even when they make you uncomfortable. Others will want to hear what you have to say!This chart shows thirteen personality traits. Each bar indicates the percentage of test takers who entered a lower value for that trait than you did. For example, if Confidence is at 80, that means that 80% of people entered lower values for confidence questions than you did. Based on a sample of 30,000 users. Click here to learn more about the traits.
Confidence Low High32 Openness Low High54 Extroversion Low High36 Empathy Low High86 Trust in others Low High60 Agency Low High16 Masculinity Low High36 Femininity Low High44 Spontaneity Low High64 Attention to style Low High66 Authoritarianism Low High36 Earthy/Imaginative Imaginative Earthy42 Aesthetic/Functional Functional Aesthetic62
Third test i did was the Myers-Briggs' MMDI ( 'Mental Muscle Diagram Indicator' ) test.
Upon completion, i remember i did this in one of my psychology classes. Cant remember the results now but i remember doing it...because to analyse the results is complicated. Very complicated. ... and its happening again. what the....?! Dont do this at 6am...like i am.
43%From this table, you can see that the two highest scoring types are INFP and INFJ. This doesn't rule out the other types. But those are the two that are closest when we 'pattern match' your questionnaire results with each of the 16 personality types
Differences between INFP and INFJ
It may help you work out your type if we compare the similarities and differences between INFP and INFJ.
One important thing to look at is which preferences 'dominate' the personality. Carl Jung and Isabel Briggs Myers said there is a 'dominant function'. What this means, in simple terms, is that two of the letters in the type code are much more important than the others.
For people with INFP preferences, the most important letters are I and F. For people with INFJ preferences, the most important letters are I and N. This means that there is a very important difference between INFP and INFJ. The letters in the type code that are particularly important for them are different, or they have different 'dominant functions'.
The Dominant Function
For INFP the most important preferences are Introverted Feeling. Your 'dominant function' is Feeling, oriented towards the inner world. This means you give importance to particular thoughts, ideas, or beliefs. You are value driven, and you often bring a sense of priority that is derived from your strong convictions. You seize upon and emphasise ideas or thoughts that have the greatest import, bringing them to the fore and stressing their significance. You assess the inherent value or importance of new ideas and beliefs, focusing on those about which you feel most strongly.
For INFJ, however, the most important preferences are Introverted Intuitiion. Your 'dominant function' is Intuition, oriented towards the inner world. You use your imagination to create new and different ideas and perspectives. You observe the world around you, and use your imagination to consider what you have observed from a number of different perspectives. You dream up new ideas and insights, often producing radical solutions to problems. You have a long term vision, and demonstrate an apparent understanding of what (as far as other people are concerned) cannot be clearly known.
Sigh...i blanked out at the difference of I and F, and I and N....So i went back to really stupid (and easy! and fun!) tests. Like this one, i did in 2 mins coz i think im getting bored with these tests.
Its from the appropriately named Bored.com
Your personality analysis based on this drawing:You have a fragile ego.
Aha. i think im done with that little house on the prairie sketch.
Feel free to comment. coz i dont think i can comment on myself anymore nor do i have to, i have all these computer magic to do it for me!